Meet Gia R. - Feb 2023 Student Spotlight

Name: Gia R.

Age: 8

Instrument: Piano

Teacher: Ms. Jinette 

1. What do you like the most about Opus Music School?

I like greeting everyone and I mostly like playing piano with my teacher.

2. What do you like the most about your Opus teacher?

I like that she plays a lot of instruments and I have fun with her in class. She also dresses cool!

3. What is your favorite piece to play and why?

One Summer Day by Joe Hisaishi because it was the first song I learned to play at home by myself.

4. What challenges have you faced when learning music and how did you overcome it?

Memorizing the keys was hard for me but I overcame it by practicing with my flashcards

5. What is your goal with music?

My goal right now is to learn how to play a few classical songs like the one I’m working on right now which is Claire De Lune.

6. What makes you unique? What are your other interests?

What makes me special is that I remember notes in my head by listening and then I figure them out by playing with the keys on my piano. I also like to make bead bracelets.

Congrats on your achievement, Gia! 🥳

Theresa Cheng