Meet Joaquin S. - Jan 2023 Student Spotlight

Student Name: Joaquin S.

Instrument: Piano

Opus Teacher's Name: Mr. David

1. What do you like the most about taking music lessons at Opus Music School?
I like that I get to learn how to play all types of music at Opus Music School and with my teacher Mr. David.

2. What is your favorite piece to play and why?
Take Me Out to the Ballgame is my favorite piece to play.

3. What challenges have you faced when learning music and how did you overcome it?
I’ve had a hard time with timing and speed of the music. I continue to practice and focus on musical rhythms to overcome those challenges.

4. What is your goal with music?
My goal with music is to continuously get better as I go and learning how to play popular music.

5. What makes you unique? What are some of your other interests?
I like to sculpt, draw and pottery. I like to listen to all kinds of music and I’ve been boxing for a few months now!

Congrats on being selected out of all of the students at Opus, Joaquin! We are so happy to hear about your dedication in music! 🥳

Theresa Cheng